courses & learning photos & graphics

8 Quick Canva Hacks You Might Not Know

Mar 11, 2020

As a creative entrepreneur, you likely know about Canva and have been using it to create graphics for your blog, social media, etc. I wanted to share 8 hacks you may not know.


I Have 8 Canva Tips for You!

I'm a Canva Champion and affiliate partner, so I love staying up on all the features of this amazing software.

The first two features have been added recently so you really may NOT know about them yet! The others have been around longer but, if you haven't had a need to try these features, they may be "new to you" like they were to me.


8 Quick Tips for Canva

Each of these videos is quick - most of them only 30 seconds long! So I suggest that you just watch them all quickly now. Then when the time comes and you need to do one of these processes, you'll either remember what you learned today or at least you'll know where to find the tutorial.


1. How to Create Zoom Backgrounds

This one is really cool and super useful with the big increase in Zoom-ing you may be experiencing.



2. How to Use Presentation Playlists

If you have separate presentations that you need to "hook" together, you can create a playlist in Canva.



3. How to Create a Pie Chart in Canva

Wow, this one was news to me! I figured you could create a pie chart in Canva but I didn't think it would be so easy. Check this out!



4. How to Create Your Social Campaign with Magic Resize Pro

I made sure all of the other tips can be done in the free version of Canva but this one was too good to pass up, even though it requires the Pro level aka a paid account. The magic resize and brand colors/fonts features are the 2 main reasons I pay for the Canva Pro account; I use those features all. the. time.



 5. How to Download Your Logo as High Resolution

If you haven't done this yet, here's your chance! As you can see from the video, it's a very quick process. When you're done saving your high res logo, make sure to download a copy so you always have it handy while you're working.



6. How to Create a Canva Design Using Custom Dimensions

Canva is so great about having a wide variety of sizing options pre-made for us. But sometimes you need to design in a specific dimension that's not included. Easy peasy in Canva.



7. How to Create a Line Chart in Canva

This was another one that blew my mind 🤯. I don't know, maybe it's only useful for corporate Canva users and not you, my creative entrepreneur. But just in case, I'm sharing this cool feature.



8. How to Save Your Canva Presentation as a PowerPoint

Now THIS one, I'll bet you use! As creatives and course providers, we often need to do slide shares. With this, you create your beautiful presentation in Canva and then save it as a PowerPoint file so you can use that software in your demo. Pretty cool 👍🏻



How to Stay Up-to-Date on Software Features

It's important to keep up-to-date on what features all your tools have so check in on them once in a while and see if they've added anything new.

Some ways you can stay updated are:

  1. follow them on social media
  2. join their email list
  3. check out their YouTube channel and look at their most recently added videos

So, did you learn anything new? 

I hope you enjoyed these 8 Canva hacks and can put them to good use in your creative solopreneur business. 



Agree, disagree, have a question? Please leave a comment👇🏼

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